
Sapporo Symphony Orchestra


News News

2021.11. 3

Tadaaki Otaka, Sapporo Symphony Orchestra Honorary Music Director, was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun.

札響名誉音楽監督 尾高忠明が旭日小綬章を受章
Tadaaki Otaka, Sapporo Symphony Orchestra Honorary Music Director, was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun.

Government of Japan has announced a list of Award recipients for the Autumn 2021 as of November 3, and Tadaaki Otaka, Sapporo Symphony Orchestra Honorary Music Director, was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun.


Sapporo Symphony Orchestra will continue to present music of Excellency with Otaka Honorary Music Director. We would like to ask for your continuous support.


※Awards, in the form of decorations and medals of honour, are bestowed upon individuals of merit, in recognition of their national or public services, and in honour of their distinguished accomplishments in various areas of society. The Biannual Decoration Ceremonies, Medals of Honour and Order of Culture are high-profile awards that receive wide media coverage.

・From the website of Cabinet Office: