
Sapporo Symphony Orchestra


Invitation for Younger PeopleConcert & Ticket

Inviting Young Listeners to the Sapporo Symphony Orchestra

Invitation to the Subscription Concerts, hitaru Subscription Concert Series, Masterpiece Concerts and Sakkyo the Ninth ~ by Pricky

For Subscription Concerts, hitaru Series Concerts and Masterpiece Concerts in the fiscal 2025, there will be invitation of 10 seats available for Elementary, Junior High and High School students. (There are some concerts not available for this invitation. One student can apply for the maximum of 2 concerts)
Application for this invitation will be accepted for each Concert via email or facsimile.
Please check the followings and make application. (A group application is also accepted. Please contact for more details.)

Applicable Concerts
①2025 Subscription Concert – Total of 8 concerts
Details on each concert is web site of Subscription Concerts.
You can select either Saturday or Sunday.
②2025 hitaru Series Concert – Total of 4 concerts
Details on each concert is web site of hitaru Series.
③2025 Masterpiece Concert – Total of 4 concerts
Details on each concert is web site of Masterpiece Concerts.
④2025 Sakkyo the Ninth – 13. December concert only
Details on each concert is web site of Ninth Symphony.
Who are to be invited <For Subscription, hitaru, Masterpiece and the Ninth Concerts>
Elementary, Junior High and High School Students (maximum of 10 students per concert; requires reservation; if the number of applications exceeds 10, there will be a lottery to select the successful applicants)
Accompanying guardian is requested to pay 3,000 yen.
How to apply ■Apply by email
    Send your email to=
  1. RE: “Pricky Young Listener Invitation”
  2. Within your email, please write
    • 1. Date of the concert with a date of a weekday that you would like to apply, and the name of the concert ※maximum of 2 concerts per application
    • 2. Your name (who to be invited) and grade- if you wish to apply with your friends, please write in all the names and their grades.
    • 3. Accompanying adults if any
      if you wish to make a group application, please write the name of the school or music class and name of an accompanying person.
    • 4. Telephone Number
    • 5. Return email address
    • ※If there is any special request such as wheelchair, please give us your information. Kindly understand that we cannot answer your request on where or what area you would like to be seated.
■Apply by facsimile
  • format=here(Please use this format)
    facsimile number:011-520-1772
  • Application must be send by 3 weeks before the concert that you would like to apply
    Result of your application Email will be sent to you by Wednesday of a week before your applied concert.
    Inquiry Pricky c/o Sapporo Symphony Orchestra
    TEL 011-520-1771 (weekdays between 9:30-18:00, closed on certain Mondays.)

    ※ Father, Mother or Guardian who wish to attend the concert with the invitee, he/she can purchase a ticket next to the invitee with 3,000 yen- specially arranged. Please give us names of accompanying adult(s) with application. (one person)

    ※In order to allow many students enjoy this opportunity, one student can apply for 2 concert per year.

    ※In case the number of applications exceed 10 per concert, there will be a lottery and the result will be sent to the successful applicants.

    ※If you are making a group application, and wish to know the result asap, please consult us when you are making your application.

    ※Any transportation fee will be borne by the applicant.

    ※Your personal information will be handled under Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

    ※Applicants may be asked to fill in the questionnaire.

    This operation in fiscal 2025-2026 is carried out by
    Sakkyo Volunteer Pricky. Nominal Support by:City of Sapporo and Sapporo Board of Education