
Sapporo Symphony Orchestra


News News

2022.8. 1

【Immediate Release/Change of Conductor】『hitaru series on August 4』『Sunagawa Concert on August 7』『Sakkyo Storytelling Concert on August 11』

【Immediate Release/Change of Conductor】『hitaru series on August 4』『Sunagawa Concert on August 7』『Sakkyo Storytelling Concert on August 11』
Very unfortunately, Mo. Matthias Bamert, Sapporo Symphony Orchestra Chief Conductor, is unable to fly to Japan as the required COVID-19 Testing turned out to be positive. The following concerts are to be carried out with change in conductors. There will be no change in the program or participating artists.
We ask for your considerate understandings on this matter.
Sapporo Symphony Orchestra would like to express much gratitude to Mo. Tatsuya Shimono and Mo. Masahiko Enkoji for accepting the urgent offer.

■Thursday, August 4 『Subscription hitaru Concert Series No.10』 Venue:Sapporo Cultural Arts Theater hitaru  
with Mo. Tatsuya Shimono 

■Sunday, August 7 『Sunagawa Concert』 Venue:Sunagawa-shi Chiiki Koryu Center You
with Mo. Masahiko Enkoji

■Thursday, August 11 『Sakkyo Storytelling Concert』 Venue:Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara
with Mo. Masahiko Enkoji

There will be no refund of tickets related to this change.
Sapporo Symphony Orchestra