The conductor, Mo. Tadaaki Otaka, appearing in the 659th Subscription Concert scheduled on Feb. 24 & 25 at Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara is unable to appear on the podium due to pneumonia.
Mo. Sachio Fujioka will be appearing instead, and the program is to be changed to Elgar Chanson de nuit and Cello Concerto.
【Reimbursement of Tickets】
Upon request, ticket will be reimbursed. (Additional note: all the tickets will be reimbursed without condition of attending the concert or not.)
Kindly visit our website for more details that is to be announced when details are set.
Please keep your ticket for the reimbursement. (Additional note: subscribers will receive a letter regarding reimbursement procedure on a later date.)
【Tickets on sale on the day of the concert】
Tickets are to be on sale with 50% discount on the day of the concert. This ticket on the day will not be reimbursed. For more information
We apologize for this sudden change. We ask for your kind understanding for this matter.