
Sapporo Symphony Orchestra


News News


Young Virtuosi Development Project Orchestra Series (Recruitment of Soloists appearing with the orchestra)

新進演奏家育成プロジェクト オーケストラ・シリーズ(オーケストラソリスト募集中)
Young Virtuosi Development Project Orchestra Series (Recruitment of Soloists appearing with the orchestra)

Entrusted by Agency of Culture, Japan Federation of Musicians carries out this project “Young Virtuosi Development Project Orchestra Series” with cooperation of orchestras nationwide. Its purpose is to nurture young artists who will create the next art generation by collaborating and performing with the orchestra. Participants are to be selected by auditions that are to take place in 6 cities, Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima and Fukuoka.
from Audition Outline-Japan Federation of Musicians


♪Audition in Sapporo /Friday, November 1, 2024 from 1pm
 Venue:Sapporo Art Park Art Hall Areana 【Application Deadline (Sapporo )/Tuesday, October 1 Must arrive by this date】

♪Concert Date (Sapporo)/Sunday, February 9, 2025 from 3pm
Venue:Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara  with Mo. Shigeo Genda and Sapporo Symphony Orchestra

♪Audition Outline (Japanese only) here from the website of Japan Federation of Musicians

・Past Concert/oung Virtuosi Development Project Orchestra Series