
Sapporo Symphony Orchestra


News News

2025.2. 6

【Applications for new subscriber membership】 starts from Feb. 7

【Applications for new subscriber membership】 starts from Feb. 7

Applications are to be accepted from 10am from Feb. 7.

Subscribers can enjoy subscription concerts at the same seat (my seat) with discount. If you are not free on a certain Saturday (or Sunday), there is a switch service that you can switch the date (needs prior contact with the secretariat office). There is also a special service for members only.


【How to apply】

1.『Via Lawson Ticket (Web)』Lawson Tickets (Japanese only)

 ・You can choose your seat when you make an application.

 ・After applying through web, you can make a payment with your credit card or pay at “Loppi” in Lawsons, and MiniStop.


2.『With Subscriber application form』Application form (Japanese) 

 ・Kindly let us know whereabout you wish to sit. We will then notify you open MY-SEAT. (You cannot select your seat with this application.)

 ・Your MY SEAT will be notified to you with a bill. You can either make a payment with your credit card via web or pay at the post office. Your seat is fixed after your payment is confirmed.

 ※New application will be closed when a number of open seat reach the limit.Kindly understand we may not be able to receive and accept your application if such case arises.


【Details of Subscribers】

・Membership and membership fee (Japanese):

【Subscription Concert Details】

・Subscription Details:


※Entry request:if you need more assistance (Japanese only)-please fill in the form