
Sapporo Symphony Orchestra


Other ConcertsConcert & Ticket

10/14 14:00~

Three Great Violin Concerti 2024.October.14(Mon)14:00~ Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara Large Hall

Three Great Violin Concerti
Three Great Violin Concerti
Three Great Violin Concerti
Three Great Violin Concerti
Three Great Violin Concerti
Three Great Violin Concerti
Three Great Violin Concerti
Three Great Violin Concerti


violin / Lina Matsuda

conductor / Gen Ohta

Song List

Vivaldi The Four Seasons
Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor
Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D major

Three Great Violin Concerti

The splendor concert by Lina Matsuda, with high technique and emotionally rich, presents masterpiece of violin concerti loved by many. The conductor of this concert is Mo. Gen Ohta, who will become Principal Conductor of Kyushu Symphony Orchestra as of April 2024.
"The Four Seasons" will be conducted and performed by Lina Matsuda, and Mo. Ohta will be conducting Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky.

松田 理奈

Lina Matsuda(violin)

太田 弦

Gen Ohta(conductor)

続きを読む 閉じる

Ticket Information

Ticket Sale From Friday, May 31, 2024
Ticket (S)¥7,500 (A)¥6,500 (B)¥5,500 (C)¥4,500 ※Wheelchair seat 4,500 yen (at Office One only)
※Preschoolers cannot attend this concert.
※The program may change.
※After purchasing, the ticket cannot be cancelled.
※Ticket cannot not be reissued for any reasons.
Online Booking
Kitara Ticket Center
Kitara Ticket Center
Doshin Playguide
Doshin Playguide
PIA tickets【P code:269-652】
PIA tickets
LAWSON TICKET【L code:12073】
Organizer Sponsor, Production and Direction:PROMAX
Special Cooperation from TVh Television Hokkaido
Contact Office One 011-612-8696(10:30~17:00/Closed on Sat. Sun and National Holiday)

Concert Archive