
Sapporo Symphony Orchestra



札幌交響楽団主催演奏会 チケット料金の改定について
2024.11.25 / News

Announcement: Revision on Ticket Price - Sapporo Symphony Orchestra sponsored concerts

Sapporo Symphony Orchestra would like to express deep gratitude to those who support us and enjoy concerts together. From April 2025, we will revise the ticket prices for the concerts, Subscription, hitaru Subscription and Masterpiece Concerts. Following is a brief outline of this revision. ① SS, and S seat prices will be plus 500 yen. ② B, and C seat prices (A seats for hitaru and Masterpiece) will stay same. ③ U25 for those age 25 and younger will be lowered to 1,000 yen. ④ Purchasing tickets on the concert day at the hall -same day ticket- will be plus 500 yen. Prices for subscribers and a set of four tickets for hitaru and Masterpiece are to be revised accordingly. The orchestra is also struggling through this age of inflation. Cost of travel and accommodation, not to mention cheap yen brought heavy burden to continue our music making with the world-first class artists. We have been trying to cut down our management costs however this could not erase deficits likely to appear. Within this revision, we will lower U25 tickets be 1,000 yen to have more younger people attending our concerts, who would lead the future of the orchestra and enjoy the concert more. U25 ticket price will remain unchanged for same-day ticket prices. Inviting world-renowned conductors and soloists from Japan and abroad to perform together is indispensable for raising the level of the orchestra and is necessary to deliver the highest level of performance to the people of Hokkaido. In order to continue and further develop the orchestra, we will further strengthen cooperation with other orchestras to reduce the burden. In addition, we will strive to improve the skills of each and every member of the orchestra so that we can provide performances in higher quality. 【Revised Ticket Price】 ※Same-day-ticket is plus 500 yen (except forU25) Subscription Concert for 2025 SS S A B C U25 *(BC) Single tickets 7,500 yen 6,500 yen 5,500 yen 4,500 yen 3,500 yen 1,000 yen Subscriber (annual – 8 concerts 25% discount) 45,000 yen 39,000 yen 33,000 yen 27,000 yen 21,000 yen 6,000 yen Subscriber (season – 4 concerts 20% discount) 24,000 yen 20,800 yen 17,600 yen 14,400 yen 11,200 yen - hitaru Subscription for 2025 S A B U25 (B) Single Tickets 6,500 yen 5,000 yen 3,500 yen 1,000 yen A set of 4 tickets (4 concerts 20% discount) 20,800 yen 16,000 yen 11,200 yen 3,200 yen Masterpiece Concert 2025 SS S A U25 (A) Single Tickets 5,500 yen 4,500 yen 3,000 yen 1,000 yen A set of 4 tickets (4 concerts 20% discount) 17,600 yen 14,400 yen 9,600 yen 3,200 yen ※We have smile seats of 2,000 yen for Subscription and hitaru, which are available only on the day of the concert. ※Premium seat of 8,000 yen (limited buy) is available for hitaru.


Originally founded as the Sapporo Citizen Symphony on July 1, 1961, it was renamed the Sapporo Symphony Orchestra in 1962. The orchestra is affectionately known as "Sakkyo" and the Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara, acclaimed for its splendid acoustics, has been the base and center of the orchestra's activities since 1997.